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Welcome to EO-Dream Forums

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Welcome to EO-Dream Forums Empty Welcome to EO-Dream Forums

Post  Sakura Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:04 am

Welcome to EO-Dream forums. This is the offical place where the members of EO-Dream.no-ip.org hang out and just chat to each other while the server is down or up.

We are hiring Admins.
We are hiring admins so please do NOT beg to become one as it will either:
- Give you no chance at getting admin position
- Slim your chances to 0.001% of getting.
Currently we are hiring:
- (2) LEVEL 3 Position
- (2) LEVEL 2 Position

Level 3:-
- Warp - To person and person to you
- Create Items

Level 2:-

- Warp

If you are new and are wondering how to connect to the server follow these simple and easy steps:
1: You must have an Endless-Online Client.
If you do not own it go to: http://www.endless-online.com and download it from there.

2: Open the Config.exe in the folder of Endless-Online.
Open this and you'll go on the first part where it shows the IP and PORT.

3: Change the IP
Change the IP from GAME.ENDLESS-ONLINE.COM or what ever it is.
To this:

4: You are Done
Once you have done all of this, You are able to play the server Very Happy

Posts : 77
Points : 105
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2009-07-08
Age : -7976


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